Meli provides a range of programs that support young people who are involved with, or considered at-risk of involvement with, the justice system.
Support is available in the following areas:
Youth Justice Community Support Services (YJCSS)
Meli provides integrated and intensive support and services, including after hours, to young people involved with youth justice, to complement case management undertaken by youth justice workers.
Find out more at: Youth Justice Community Support Service | Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria
Youth Statutory Support (YSS)
Meli provides short-term early intervention support for young people who have had recent contact with police. This is known as Youth Statutory Support (YSS).
Youth Justice Group Conferencing (YJGC)
Aiming to address the harms caused by offending through Group Conferencing, this program is based on restorative justice principles. Conferences can be held for young people found guilty of an offence in the Children’s Court, or as part of a Children’s Court Youth Diversion (CCYD) plan. Find out more at: Youth Justice Group Conferencing | Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria
Reignite Crime Prevention program
Reignite is an intensive early-intervention case management program for young people at-risk of entering the justice system. Find out more at: Youth Crime Prevention Program | Community Crime Prevention Victoria
An initiative of Reignite is the Client Voice Project, aimed at elevating the voice of young people involved in, or at risk of involvement in, the justice system.
Our Youth Justice Support programs can support young people and their families during business hours and after hours. For more information contact Meli on 5226 8900, or if you have a Youth Justice Officer, please speak to them about a referral.