Our Commitment to Child Safety
Meli is committed to providing a child safe environment.
We have zero tolerance of any abuse or maltreatment of children. We are committed to ensuring children and young people are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives. We understand our legal and moral obligations to treat any child safety concerns seriously. We report any allegations and wellbeing concerns to authorities.

Our commitment to you
We are committed to the cultural safety of all children including Aboriginal children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to provide a safe environment for children with a disability. We are to being a child-safe and child-friendly organisation that recognises, respects and promotes children’s rights.
We recognise our responsibilities in keeping children safe from abuse from those associated with this organisation and will ensure that the safety of children is always our first priority. We take a zero tolerance approach to child abuse. We value diversity and will not tolerate discriminatory practices.