First day at Kindergarten
Starting kindergarten is a huge milestone for children and their families.
It is important to that everyone feels comfortable, and children feel safe in their new kindergarten environment.
Here are some helpful tips on how to prepare for kindergarten to ensure a smooth transition for parents, carers and children.
Download our free checklist!
Make getting ready for kindergarten as simple as possible with this 8-step routine:
“Get Ready for Kindergarten! Checklist”

Over the summer holidays
- Be positive – talk to your child about what they will do at kindergarten.
- Borrow library books about kindergarten to read together.
- Encourage your child to dress themselves, so they can manage tasks like taking their jumper on and off.
- Visit the kindergarten or travel past it on your route home.
- Label all belongings that your child will take to kinder.
- Read over the family information the kindergarten provided to ensure everything is prepared.
- Talk to your child and establish a goodbye routine together.
- Establish a routine for kindergarten mornings – this could include a chart with pictures outlining the different steps for getting ready.
- Organise holiday play dates with friends or children who will be going to the kindergarten.
- Create a routine around sleep – at this age, children need 10 to 12 hours sleep each night. Practice sticking to bedtime and wake up schedules in the weeks leading up to the start of kinder.
What to pack?
A named backpack large enough to pack the following and bring home artwork.
Warmer months –
- A broad brim hat
- Drink bottle filled with water
- Lunch box with food for lunch and snack
- A complete set of spare clothes, including underwear and socks
- Sunscreen if your child has sensitivities. Your kindergarten will provide and apply sunscreen during the day, however you can pack your own if you prefer. For more information on sun smart policies see our Parent Information Handbook.
Colder months –
- Warm jacket or vest and beanie
- Drink bottle filled with water
- Lunch box with food for lunch and snack
- A complete set of spare clothes, including underwear and socks

Food at kindergarten
Kindergarten days are busy days for the little people who attend. Regular food and drink breaks are an essential part of children’s routine at kinder so it’s important to ensure they have healthy, fresh food to eat. Every day at kindergarten children break for “snack” and for “lunch” so parents and carers need to pack enough food for these breaks.
Examples of snack food
– fruit such as an apple, mandarin, banana, pear, strawberries or cut up kiwi fruit
– rice crackers, corn chips or plain popcorn with cheese
– vegetable sticks such as sliced up carrot, celery, or snow peas.
Examples of lunch foods
– a healthy sandwich, wrap, pita or rice cakes.
For a full list of snack and lunch options read on here. For information on food safety and allergies refer to our policies.

If your child requires medication to be administered by kindergarten educators please refer to Meli medication information in the Parent Information Handbook.
View Parent Information Handbook