We value the feedback, suggestions, and opinions of all people who use our services. Our clients and members of the community are encouraged to provide feedback or make a complaint if any service provided by Meli does not meet expectations.
This page explains your rights and the steps you can take if you are unhappy with any aspect of our service and wish to make a complaint.
- We aim to address and resolve complaints quickly and fairly.
- Your complaint will be acknowledged when it has been received.
- All complaints made in writing will be acknowledged within 5 business days.
- We aim to resolve complaints within 28 calendar days unless otherwise specified within relevant legislation or our funding and service agreements.
- If your complaint is expected to take longer to resolve, we will let you know the reasons for this and provide you with an adjusted timeframe.
- We will keep you up to date with how your complaint is progressing.
You may have additional questions about our complaints process. The below Q&A will provide you information regarding the process, timelines and what happens if you are not satisfied with the proposed resolution, including any external agencies you may take your complaint to.
Complaints and Feedback Q&A
Yes. Everyone involved in the complaint will be told about the importance of maintaining confidentiality. Only those people directly involved in your complaint will have access to information about it.
You can make a complaint without including your personal details if you wish to remain anonymous. If you make a complaint and do not provide your name or contact details, we will not be able to provide progress updates or inform you of the outcome of our investigation.
If you make a complaint, we will protect the privacy of every person involved. We are required to follow all Australian and Victorian Privacy Laws.
In most cases, this is up to you. We encourage you to address your concerns with the staff member providing you with a service if you feel safe to do so, or their supervisor. This is often the fastest way to resolve a complaint. If you wish for your complaint to be handled independently, please let us know.
Yes. We will not make any assumptions until all relevant information has been collected and considered. Any person who is affected by the complaint has a right to know details of how the complaint affects them.
No. We will make sure that any person involved in making a complaint is not disadvantaged or treated any differently. Making a complaint will not affect the service you receive from us.
When we receive a complaint, we undertake a thorough investigation. This involves communicating with all parties involved. This may be by telephone, email or by meeting with you and others in person. We aim to find the best possible solution to the concerns you have raised. It may be helpful for the people involved in your complaint to meet to work on finding a resolution. This will not occur unless you tell us that you are comfortable with this approach.
We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. In most cases, this is within 28 business days. If we feel that this is not possible, we will contact you to let you know and provide reasons why.
If your complaint is made directly to the staff member providing you with a service, or their supervisor, it will be addressed as soon as possible. We understand that you may prefer to have your complaint investigated from someone outside the area where you are receiving a service. If this is the case, please let us know.
Please let us know if you require an interpreter and we will ensure that one is made available throughout the process. Alternatively, if you would like a support person or advocate to be involved you are welcome to ask a trusted person such as a friend, family member, neighbour or professional.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request your complaint to be reviewed by our Chief Executive Officer CEO. This must be done in writing within 14 days of receiving notification of the outcome via email to feedback@meli.org.au. Your letter must outline the circumstances surrounding your complaint and the reasons why you are not satisfied with the outcome. Once we have received your letter, we will send you an acknowledgment within 5 business days and then a further letter advising of the outcome of the review within the next 4 weeks. You will be kept informed if there is likely to be any delay.
Please email us at feedback@meli.org.au or call our general line on 03 5226 8900 if you require any assistance in doing this. Alternatively, you can seek support from an external agency.
If you remain unsatisfied following a review of the investigation conducted by the CEO you may take your complaint to an independent advocacy body. A list is provided below.
Independent Advocacy Bodies
The Ombudsman (Victoria)
The Ombudsman has the power to investigate complaints about State and local government authorities including complaints made about organisations such as Meli who receive government funding for their services.
Phone: (03) 9613 6222 (metro) or 1800 806 314 (regional only)
Website: www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au
Commonwealth Ombudsman
The Commonwealth Ombudsman receives Complaints about Commonwealth Government departments and agencies including NDIS.
Phone: 1300 362 072
Website: www.ombudsman.gov.au
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC)
Members of the public can make a complaint to the privacy commissioner if they feel a community service organisation such as Meli have breached their privacy.
Phone: 1300 006 842
Email: enquiries@ovic.vic.gov.au
Website: www.ovic.vic.gov.au
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing will receive and investigate complaints relating to service providers that are funded to deliver programs on behalf of DFFH.
Phone: 1300 884 706
Email: feedback@dffh.vic.gov.au
Website: www.service.dffh.vic.gov.au
Department of Health
Complaints relating to any service provided, contracted, funded or regulated by the Department of Health.
Phone: 1300 229 075
Email: health.feedback@health.vic.gov.au
Website: www.health.vic.gov.au
Health Complaints Commissioner
Anyone with concerns about a health service that is being provided can make a complaint. This includes Drug and Alcohol and Mental Health Services.
Phone: 1300 582 113
Website: www.hcc.vic.gov.au/make-complaint
The Disability Services Commissioner
The Disability Services Commissioner provides independent and confidential assistance to resolve a complaint with a disability service or service provider.
Phone: 1800 677 342
Email: Complaints@odsc.vic.gov.au
Website: www.odsc.vic.gov.au
National Disability Insurance Scheme
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the National Disability Services scheme.
Phone: 1800 800 110
Website: www.ndis.gov.au
Foster Care Association of Victoria
Advocacy, support and information services to accredited foster carers.
Phone: 03 9416 4292
Email: admin@fcav.org.au
Website: www.fcav.org.au
Housing Registrar
The Registrar of Housing Agencies, supported by the Office of the Housing Registrar, is responsible for regulatory oversight of the community housing sector in Victoria under the Housing Act 1983 (Vic).
Phone: 03 7005 8984
Website: www.vic.gov.au/housing-registrar
If you are a tenant or prospective tenant of a registered housing agency and wish to make a complaint, visit Making a complaint about community housing | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au).
Homelessness Advocacy Service
The Homelessness Advocacy Service (HAS) is the key advice and information service for consumers seeking or receiving assistance from any Victorian community-managed homelessness assistance or social housing service.
Phone: 1800 066 256 or 8415 6200
Email: admin@chp.org.au
Website: www.chp.org.au
Commission for Children and Young People
The Commission can investigate concerns that an organisation is not providing a safe environment for children or complying with the Child Safe Standards.
Phone: 1300 78 29 78
Website: www.ccyp.vic.gov.au
Foundation House
Foundation House provides services to advance the health, wellbeing and human rights of people of refugee backgrounds in Victoria who have experienced torture or other traumatic events in their country of origin or while fleeing those countries.
Phone: (03) 9389 8900
Email: info@foundationhouse.org.au
Website: www.foundationhouse.org.au
Department of Education and Training
You can make a complaint directly to the Department regarding the operation of a children’s service this includes childcare and kindergartens.
Phone: 1300 333 232
Email: licensed.children.services@edumail.vic.gov.au
Website: www.education.vic.gov.au/childhood
Rights Information and Advocacy Services (RIAC)
RIAC provides a free individual advocacy service for people with disabilities (including mental health) and their family members to enforce your rights including NDIS matters.
Phone: (03) 5222 5499
Website: https://riac.org.au
Tenants Union of Victoria
The TUV provides information, advice and advocacy services for Victorian tenants.
Phone: (03) 9416 2577
Website: tuv.org.au
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
VCAT operates like a court but is not as formal, and deals with a wide range of issues, including disputes arising from the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.
Phone: 1300 01 8228
Website: vcat.vic.gov.au
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