September 7, 2023 Meli Foster a Future Raffle results Thank you to everyone who bought tickets to the Meli Foster a Future Raffle....
September 1, 2023 Carer wellbeing at the forefront for Meli Looking after a child or young person is both an extraordinary gift and an...
August 31, 2023 Meli Statement – Voice to Parliament Meli Supports First Nations Voice to Parliament “In 1967 we were counted, in 2017...
August 24, 2023 Foster a Future Raffle Can’t make it to our Foster a Future Breakfast but still want to support...
August 6, 2023 Inspiring speakers set for inaugural Meli Foster a Future fundraiser The man who inspired a remarkable Hollywood feature film and one of Australia’s most...
August 6, 2023 Meli joins the fold to end homelessness More than 1500 people were counted as experiencing homelessness in Geelong on census night...
June 4, 2023 Meli launches Little Things Appeal Meli has launched its 2023 Little Things Appeal, calling on the community to help...
May 5, 2023 Geelong turns purple for Candlelight Vigil On Wednesday evening, Geelong landmarks were lit up purple as part of the Safe...
May 1, 2023 Shining a light on domestic and family violence In Australia, one woman is killed nearly every week and one child killed each...
April 13, 2023 It takes a village: learn more about foster care with Meli Every night in Victoria there are many children who don’t have a safe and...