Meli is investigating a cyber incident that has impacted our organisation. Learn more

Shining a light on domestic and family violence

In Australia, one woman is killed nearly every week and one child killed each fortnight in the context of domestic or family violence.

On Wednesday 3 May, between 6pm-6.45pm, Meli, SAFV Centre and Safe Steps Victoria present the Geelong Candlelight Vigil.  Key businesses in Geelong’s CBD to glow in purple lights, as a symbol of honouring those who have been killed by family violence in our community. Meli buildings will also be bathed in purple on the night.

We are also holding a virtual social media vigil, and we are inviting the Geelong community to participate. To take part, light a candle on Wednesday evening and take the opportunity to have a conversation with your loved ones about respectful relationships, because it’s never too early to talk about being kind to one another. Share a picture of your candle with the hashtag #LightACandle2023 and tag @safestepsfv

If you need support:
Meli (business hours): 03 5278 8122
Barwon Orange Door (business hours): 1800 312 820
Safe Steps (24 Hours): 1800 015 188
In an emergency, call triple zero (000

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