The Family Services team at Meli provides a range of support services to families
Typically, the type of support provided is in relation to parenting skills, mental health, drug and alcohol issues, family violence, housing and child protective issues.
To access Family Services support, referrals are typically made through the Orange Door at 83 Moorabool Street, Geelong, or by phoning the Orange Door on 1800 312 820. Please note the Orange Door may send your referral through to a number of Family Service agencies in Geelong, and so if you would like for Meli to provide this support to you it is important to communicate this to the Orange Door.
For more information, contact Meli on 03 5226 8900
Free drop-in service for families
Meli offers free support to families through our drop-in service, with no appointment or referral required.
This support is for families who:
• would like to build their skills as parents
• may be experiencing family challenges and need support
• would like information about other services available for families
• may need support with referrals to other services
Drop-in services are currently available at a range of locations including Armstrong Creek, Bannockburn, Norlane and Surf Coast Shire.
For more information, contact Meli on 5226 8900 or email