Important and Emergency Numbers
If you are in danger, call 000
Ambulance (24 hrs)
Police (24 hrs)
Country Fire Authority (24 hrs)
Kids Helpline Ages 5-25 (24 hrs)
1800 551 800
Lifeline (24 hrs)
13 11 14
Poisons Information Centre (24 hrs)
13 11 26
Sexual Assault Crisis Line (after hours)
1800 806 292
Safe Steps Family Violence (after hours)
(for women and children)
1800 015 188
Victims of Crime Support Agency Helpline
1800 819 817
Gambler’s Help
1800 858 858
Child Protection
1800 075 599 (business hours)
13 12 78 (after hours)
National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family
Violence Counselling Service (24 hrs)
1800 737 732
National Disability Insurance Scheme Service
1800 800 110
Men’s Referral Service
1800 766 491
QLife (LGBTI peer support)
1800 184 527
Beyond Blue (24 hrs)
1300 22 4636
Youth Homelessness Support (16-24 yrs)
1800 825 955
Salvo Connect Homelessness Support
(25 yrs and over)
03 5223 5400
St Kilda Crisis Centre
1800 627 727
Orange Door – Barwon Area
1800 312 820
Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative
03 5277 0044
Cultura Geelong
03 4210 0000