Our commitment to Client Voice and Participation
Client Voice and Participation
Meli understands that clients’ lived experiences provide valuable insights that can help Meli improve services for everyone. We have a strong commitment to partner with the people who use our services and their families / carers. We do this in order to understand the needs of our community, and improve the quality and safety of the services we deliver.
Meli provides different opportunities for clients to share their expertise. This may be for example, through surveys, focus groups and membership on advisory groups and committees.
We are committed to ensuring that we hear the voices of many different people. We work with individuals to identify the types of supports or information that may help them to participate in a Client Voice activity. These may include for example, access to an interpreter, assistive technology and a safe, respectful, accessible environment.
While not all participation activities are paid, there may be times when a form of payment is offered in recognition of clients’ time, knowledge and expertise.
If you would like to register your interest to participate in a Client Voice activity at Meli, we would love to hear from you. You can speak with your worker or contact feedback@meli.org.au.